“[Praise to the LORD] O LORD, you are my God; I will exalt you and praise your name, for in perfect faithfulness you have done marvelous things, things planned long ago.”- Isaiah 25:1
Sometimes you may feel that you just get lost in the crowd, like a pebble in the bottom of the stream, but God knows us each by name, he has marked every hair on our head and his plan for us is perfect. How do I know this, well read on.........
Two days before Christmas my Pastor Jenny asked me if I knew of some customers from Rapture that I could give a Christmas hamper to. Sure I said and left with 3 hampers in my boot. I gave away the first two and then as I was driving to work on Christmas eve my car began to play up, I drove right to my mechanic for him to take a look, during our conversations he told me of a close friend of his that I have met briefly before that she had been in hospital and was coming home that day. Well there was my answer for my final hamper.
That afternoon she came in my shop to thank me and was just blown away by our gift, I was so pleased to be able to tell her that it was not my gift but rather from our church put together by people who love God and wanted to bless others at Christmas.
By making my car play up God had put me in touch with a lady who desperately needed some people in her life to care for her at a difficult time as she had another operation coming up.
Since that day I have run into her so many times it almost seems ridiculous, well it would be if I did not know that God clearly has a plan for her. I am excited as to where God is taking this and how he plans to use me in this situation.
There is so much that goes on in our day to day lives that God has orchestrated and we may or may not be aware of it, but God clearly has a plan and if we allow ourselves to be used by him, by following his direction and promptings we will be directly used in his blessing of the people around us and working alongside God to show his light to the broken and unsaved.
Does God have a plan ? Most certainly.
Jeremiah 29:11 For I know the plans I have for you," declares the LORD, "plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.
photo: Nethocote falls, NSW
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