Tuesday, March 15, 2011


How many of you agree with me that
Sometimes Life is only as complicated as we chose to allow it to be.....

Last weekend as I was on a Lilo with Lucy doing my best to navigate the Mitchel river, and not a very Good job I might add... We floated down for about 20 minutes over rapids, deep holes, massive boulders under us, giant people eating fish...... Lucy was a bit frightened when she realized that the only real danger she was in was being on a floating device and relying on me for her safety.

Finally after a very exhausting 20 minutes of paddling, kicking, shrieking, screaming . steering trying not to get stuck, or drown and the odd occasion of cursing we arrived in a lovely part of the river that there was no need to put any effort in at all, the water was still and magnificent

I just lay there silently with Lucy by my side drifting along feeling relaxed , resting and finally refreshed as I took in the beauty of my surroundings. No need for kicking and struggling just floating .

As I lay there I smiled to myself at the similarity of my life sometimes ....
I often find myself in a place of kicking ...driving my own boat...getting stuck...feeling like I am drowning and eventually complicating my own life, when in fact God is right there beside me saying stop...rest...abide in me...float on my strength , not your own. I have everything you need

Psalm 23:1-3 (NLT)
The Lord is my shepherd; I have all that I need. [2] He lets me rest in green meadows; he leads me beside peaceful streams. [3] He renews my strength. He guides me along right paths, bringing honor to his name.

He died for us so that we may live in His peace, his grace,
.... to lay in his still calm waters. So why do we keep going through the rapids

I love the Jason upton song .... Simple things... My prayer for us all today is that we chose to rest in the simple things of god today

Father I thank you for your perfect peace ...thank you that because of your blood shed on the cross that we dont have to struggle in our own strength ..show us today where we can see you in the simple things today, show me how to trust you how to love you how to serve you better.

I want to see you
In the simple things in life today

I want to hear you
In the simple things I. Life today

I want to trust you
I want to love you
I want to serve you
In the simple things in life today

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