Sunday, October 24, 2010


In my bedroom I am fortunate enough to have two magnificent tree ferns outside my french doors, I deliberately go to sleep with my curtains open on that side of the room so that when I wake in the morning I have the pleasure of experiencing the full beauty of theses ferns as the sun rises and shines through their foliage and shows off their lush green colour. Last summer my ferns took a beating , they were badly sun burnt and withered away to almost nothing. To my delight our long cold wet winter proved very beneficial to my lovely ferns and from my window I could see tiny rolls of new life poking up through the top of my fern. It was not until spring however that the true glory began to be revealed , over the last two weeks I have watched as each one of these baby fronds slowly transformed from a three centimeter tight roll to a magnificent one meter long lush green frond. Each morning as I lay in bed more and more of what was hidden inside this tight little roll was revealed, as the bud unraveled I was surprised to see that on the end of each shoot there were teeny tiny baby rolls that were unraveling to form the many side shoots from the main frond. So today the process is almost complete and I have my beautiful tree fern in full foliage to greet me each morning to remind me how awesome my God is that if he cares enough to create such Majesty and new life in a dull bunt out tree , how much more does he love us and want to bring forth new foliage . He wants to unravel those tightly woven little balls we have created in our own lives and slowly unravel the pain, hurts , regrets, bitterness, lost hope that we have stored up in them.
Matthew 6;26 Look at the birds of the air; they do not sow or reap or store away in barns, and yet your heavenly Father feeds them. Are you not much more valuable than they? Gods hearts desire is for us to prosper and experience fullness of life and a life filled with joy, not pain and suffering . He wants to shape us and mold us into wholeness . He does not want us to remain in that place of burnt out dead wood that is of no use to anyone let alone ourselves. Trust God that he is a gentle good God , he knows that with my tree fern it is a slow process to unravel the new growth and If I grew impatient and went outside and pulled the new growth open myself it would not be ready for the suns rays and it would wither and die. God knows the same is true with us, he wants to slowly bring forth new growth on strong stems that he has strengthened within us with his spirit as he has tenderly sown his word and love into us. Give in to Gods love and tender mercy today and allow him to bring forth the seeds he has sown in you.
Romans 15;13 May the God of hope fill you with all joy and peace as you trust in him, so that you may overflow with hope by the power of the Holy Spirit.


  1. i think you're the most amazing girl ever :)

  2. Hey girl, that is shy about speaking publicly! How your words flow beautifully from your pen!!!
    (key board). What a well you have inside of you!!
