Thursday, November 11, 2010


He is here for the broken and life to the one who is undone
He is peace to the wounded and hope to the helpless one
Be still my soul be still
Be still my soul be still
Wait patiently upon the Lord
BE STILL MY SOUL BE STILL ( Lyrics Kari Jobe )
I have just purchased a Kari Jobe cd and as usual always in Gods perfect timing.
Isn't it funny how often we come across something that is so part of Gods timing and plan for us, things that if they came week earlier we may not have noticed or listened to.
How often do the conversations of the past week all point to something that God is trying to teach us, a pastoral word here, a friendly correction there, a piece of music, a scripture that you may have read 100 times before but never felt the fire in the words.

I have struggled for so long it seems with health issues and been almost begging God to put an end to it now, almost demanding and threatening God, "right now, if you know whats good for you God ". All my efforts and prayers have been based on my own agenda, my own desires, my own need to be healthy so I can achieve goals, to feel worthy of love, To get the job done , whilst all along I have been completely missing the "Teachable moments " That God has been wanting to reveal to me.

Do you know it is all going to have a good ending , because thankfully for some of we "Bull at a gate Christians ". God Will sometimes use people around us to bring us a word of truth that we so desperately have needed to hear. Through the tender words of a friend I was able to finally hear what God has been trying to tell me all along and when I am obedient to this teaching I will finally see the breakthrough that I have been waiting for.

The key here is that brick by brick God has been trying to pull down a wall that I have built myself to protect a place deep inside of me that I have allowed myself to believe was what was keeping me safe, what i could rely on always.
When in actual fact my own self reliance was beginning to destroy me and God wanted to show me that it is Himself and only him that I can rely on , who will bring me internal peace , no matter what the situations around me hold.
Psalm 46;10-11 He says, “Be still, and know that I am God; I will be exalted among the nations,
I will be exalted in the earth.” The LORD Almighty is with us; the God of Jacob is our fortress.

God often does not create the situation that we find ourselves in but he will often use that situation to teach us and bring about change in us. He loves us beyond our wildest dreams and will do all that he can to draw us into a new and fruitful season in our lives for the better of ourselves and the better of the people that he wants us to share himself with.

So I am going to submit myself to the refining fire of God safe in the knowledge that he is bringing about change for the better and a new season of life for me . I bet I am not the only one out there who could do with some refining. Malachi 3;3 "He will sit as a refiner and purifier of silver "
As my very wise Pastor said to me recently , sit quietly take time to be at PEACE with God , TRUST that God has it all under control and that looking to external situations all the time to bring me peace will always fail me if I dont have INTERNAL PEACE OF GOD first.
Philippians 4:7 And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus.

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