Wednesday, October 28, 2009
This is my most favourite photo of Meg just absolute delight in a bed of flowers after walking over 5 km and feeling just exhausted she dropped in this sea of flowers and laughed and laughed , the whining during the long walk was over we were done we had finished.......
In order to get from one place to another there has to be a transition in some shape or form.
Being a mum of six children I know all about transition in the Labour ward at least. There have been many other areas of my life that I have had periods of transition , moving house, replacing cars, kids changing schools, moving overseas, changing jobs , learning new things just to name a few .
The most graphic example of Transition in my life most certainly is in the labour ward giving birth. My goodness that transition part has certainly got to be the most awful part of labour, as if the pain is not bad enough with early contractions; just wait until transition.
In labour transition is the time when the contractions shift their pace up a level in their intensity and frequency in order to force your body to do what is necessary to deliver the baby. You just cant have the baby without the period of transition. That point in all my births is when I become rather irrational in my thinking and if I had the opportunity I would probably kill the closest thing (Mike) to me . The pain at that point is almost unbearable and the only way for me to get through is to dwell on the things of God, it may sound odd but I literally recite over and over in my head , I will be anxious for nothing I will trust in you.... I lay there on my side curled up in a ball with my gas mask firmly squashed on my face with my hand and with every contraction, I say in my head , I Will be anxious for nothing, I will be anxious for nothing, over and over until it is time to push and deliver our precious new child into this world.
So often in our day to day life we face times that we need to push through the transition, put the blinkers on and hold on to Gods hand for dear life and march firmly and boldly forward to deliver what God wants to birth in us.
no one who keeps looking back and dwelling on their past is fit for the kingdom of God. Paul says that we have to forget those things which are now behind us and move and press forward into those things which now lie ahead of us..
God will give us the peace we need in order to push through the transition.
Psalms 107:29 He makes the storm into a calm, so that the waves are at peace. Daniel 10:18 Then again one having the form of a man put his hand on me and gave me strength. And he said to me, O man greatly loved, have no fear: peace be with you, be strong and let your heart be lifted up. And at his words I became strong, and said, Let my lord say on, for you have given me strength. 2 Thessalonians 3:16 Now may the Lord of peace himself give you peace at all times in all ways.
It is both peace and strength that we need in order to walk through transition in our lives, and there is no better place to find such peace than through God, no other thing or person on this planet will be able to give you the peace that only he can, so when you next face transition, I urge you to face it head on , you cannot get to the other side without going through, you cannot go around it, over it, ask someone else to do it for you no I am afraid you must do it all yourself.
so as John 5 : 8 says "Get up! Pick up your mat and walk."
You will be so blessed by the end result if you pick up your mat and walk through the transition .
Don't stay in the place of perceived comfort walk..... It will be better on the other side God promises us.
Friday, October 23, 2009
sow into your kids
Sow into your kids , even in the small things , even when you have far too many jobs to get done, you know the jobs will wait, your kids need the attention. I had the best afternoon with my 6 year old Meg at her school sport day , she had a smil from ear to ear when I said that I did not have to go to work and I could come and see her.
The smile on her face makes it all worth it , she will remember that way before any new dress or smiggle pen set.
Sow seeds and water them !!! even the smallest sprinkle of water will help your babies to flourish...
Thursday, October 22, 2009
why do we sometimes struggle and feel we dont have enough
Tonight for dinner we had home made burgers on the bbq , with toasted buns, onions salad and all the trimmings , a family favourite around here, well I tell you it was like the last supper, they all came running to assemble their mountainous burgers, and oh what allot of carry on shoving and pushing to be first as if there was not going to be enough, when in fact there was plenty. I had prepared an abundance of food for them all. After they all worked out that in fact there was no shortage we all sat down and had a lovely meal together. God bless them....
why do we sometimes struggle and feel we don't have enough, when 2 Peter 1:2-8 tells us 2Grace and peace be yours in abundance through the knowledge of God and of Jesus our Lord.So where is the problem when we know
3His divine power has given us everything , not just a few things , but everything !!we need for life and godliness through our knowledge of him who called us by his own glory and goodness.4Through these he has given us his very great and precious promises, so that through them you may participate in the divine nature and escape the corruption in the world caused by evil desires.
5For this very reason, make every effort, EVERY effort, not just a little bit when you have some left over time in your day, not just on Sunday morning, but EVERY effort. to add to your faith goodness; and to goodness, knowledge; 6and to knowledge, self-control; and to self-control, perseverance; and to perseverance, godliness; 7and to godliness, brotherly kindness; and to brotherly kindness, love. 8For if you possess these qualities in increasing measure, they will keep you from being ineffective and unproductive in your knowledge of our Lord Jesus Christ..
If we take the time to work on these areas of our lives then we are promised that we will be effective and productive We often don't have enough because we don't put in enough. You do not need to wait for the Universe to be in harmony and all the planets aligned, as some new age's believe. you just need to place your faith firmly in God and do what he asks us to do.
We get so caught up with our plan , rather than his plan and right there lies the problem, we try to do it to ourselves....
The long and the short of it is that we do have enough, more than enough, an abundance in fact. sometimes we are just looking in the wrong place for it.
Wednesday, October 21, 2009
There's no tastier way to get your five a day than enrobing your veg in chocolate
- 250g/10oz good, dark chocolate (70% cocoa solids), broken into pieces
- 250g/10oz unsalted butter, cut into cubes, plus more for greasing
- 250g/10oz caster sugar
- 3 free-range eggs
- 150g self-raising flour (we used wholemeal self-raising)
- 250g beetroot, boiled until tender, peeled and grated
Method: How to make chocolate and beetroot brownies
1. Preheat oven to 180°C/350°F/Gas Mark 4. Grease a baking tin of approximately 20 x 30 x 3cm and line the bottom with baking parchment.
2. Break up the chocolate into pieces, cut the butter into cubes then mix them up a bit in a heatproof bowl. As the oven begins to warm up, put the bowl onto one of the shelves for a few minutes until the chocolate and butter starts to melt. Stir, and put back into the oven for a few more minutes to melt completely.
3. Whisk the eggs and sugar together in a bowl until combined, then beat in the melted chocolate and butter until smooth. Gently fold in the flour then the beetroot – be careful not to overmix or it will make the brownies tough.
Be careful not to overmix or it will make the brownies tough.
4. Pour the mixture into the prepared tin and smooth over the top with a spatula. Bake for about 20 minutes. A knife or skewer pushed into the middle should come out with a few moist crumbs clinging to it. Don't be tempted to overcook them! Remove the tin from the oven and leave on wire rack to cool before cutting into squares.
Tuesday, October 20, 2009
yummy side dish
we had potato salad, green salad, lamb loin chops, steak and
dice 1 onion, 2 garlic, sauteed in olive oil.
add 1 tsp paprika, salt pepper
add 1 can chic peas
add 3 diced small tomatoes
simmer 10 min; serve
My Liam was by far the most adventurous of my children, we were always coming to the rescue in a situation that often he was completely unaware that there was a problem.
I remember when he was 6 years old, we were on a family holiday at the Blue mountains in New South Wales, Liam had run ahead on the walking track with his older brother who was 11, he was only 1 minute ahead of us, as we turned a corner on the path both of our hearts skipped a beat.... there was Liam , he had crawled under the barrier and onto the top of a massive Boulder and way sitting on top proudly waving his hands "look at me, look at me!!!! " . The problem was that there was a drop of thousands of meters below him. We got him back in, severely scolded him, Mike and I had a packet of Valium each and we all went on our way...
Adults with a healthy fear for their own safety would never do such a ting, because we have learnt over time boundaries of safety, we have learnt to protect ourselves rather than relying on an adult to do that for us.
Somewhere a long the line however we begin to put our own brakes on ourselves , and the pity is that all too often we are just too careful to step out, or we lose that child like faith, that belief system in our own abilities, too often we fail to jump in where God is asking us to go because we are not willing to give him the control. We fail to trust that if our father in Heaven is asking something of us, there is no way that he would put us in a situation that would cause us harm. We become so good at our own self preservation that we lose faith in ourselves.
Why do we so often think in the solitude of our minds" I would love to do that , but oh thats silly, that is only for other people"
what stops us from achieving our dreams? At what point do we stop believing in ourselves?
I believe that the problem is that we get confused with the difference between not doing something because it is unsafe or unwise and not going ahead with something because we have formed an opinion of our capabilities that is incorrect, based on people and situations in our lives that have caused us to doubt ourselves .We would go alot further for God in our lives if we feared him more than we fear personal failure. Proverbs 9:10 “The fear of the LORD is the beginning of wisdom, and knowledge of the Holy One is understanding.”
God wants so much more for us than we want for ourselves. We look at the Pastor and think , "I cant do that" ,we are asked to present communion and say no because we think people will judge us and think we are stupid, we look at the mission field and think "That is not for me" , we look at street evangelist and think" oh I might get hurt" , we look at the kids ministry and think " Kids don't like me". So many things that God needs us to do for him and so many excuses as to why we cant. Luke 1:37 For nothing is impossible with God."
Mark 10:15 I tell you the truth, anyone who will not receive the kingdom of God like a little child will never enter it."
If God has sown a seed in your mind to do something don't just laugh at the mere suggestion of it, pray about it, explore the avenues, ask God about it, ask your peers about it, and then perhaps; step out with child like faith in yourself and do it. 1 John 4:18 There is no fear in love. But perfect love drives out fear, because fear has to do with punishment. The one who fears is not made perfect in love.
Gods word remains the same
Thankfully God knows this all to well and has provided us with many tools to help us here.
John 13;34 "A new command I give you: Love one another. As I have loved you, so you must love one another. 35By this all men will know that you are my disciples, if you love one another."
Romans 14:10-13, Paul also advised: why do you pass judgment on your brother? Or why do you look down on your brother?... Therefore, let's stop passing judgement on each other! Instead, make this one judgement--not to put a stumbling-block or a snare in a brother's way."
Mathew 7; 5 You hypocrite, first take the plank out of your own eye, and then you will see clearly to remove the speck from your brother's eye.
Daily Spurgeon said in one of his sermons back in 1859, over 150 years ago:
Oh, my brethren and sisters in Christ, it is not your business to fight your own battles, not even in defense of your own character. If you be maligned and slandered, let the slanderer alone. His malignity will but be increased by any attempt that you shall make to defend yourself. As a soldier of Christ you are to fight for your Master, not for yourself. You are not to carry on a private warfare for your own honor, but all your time and all your power is to be given to his defense and his war. You are not to have a word to speak for yourselves.
Full often, when we get into little tempers, and our blood is roused, we are apt to think that we are fighting the cause of truth, when we are really maintaining our own pride. We imagine that we are defending our Master, but we are defending our own little selves. Too often the anger rises against an adversary not because his words reflect dishonor upon the glorious Christ, but because they dishonor us. Oh! let us not be so little as to fight our own battles! Depend upon it, the noblest means of conquest for a Christian in the matter of calumny and falsehood, is to stand still and see the salvation of God. Sheathe thine own sword, put away all thine own weapons, when thou comest to fight thine own battle, and let God fight for thee, and thou shalt be more than conqueror.
Gods word remains the same through the ages, time alters many things but it has failed to alter how we as humans relate. The promise from God is however, that if we remain in him we will learn ways to be better humans who treat each other well and love as God has called us to love. We need to take up the challenge and daily spend time with God so he can teach us in his ways and not the worlds ways . Isiah 55:8 "For my thoughts are not your thoughts, neither are your ways my ways," declares the LORD."As the heavens are higher than the earth, so are my ways higher than your ways and my thoughts than your thoughts.
Lets be the generation that transforms a nation..... We can do it I know we can we just have to be willing to change and move well out of our comfort zone, to let go of what we think is rightfully ours, to never again say " thats not fair" , to have the grace to put others before us, to walk away from a conflict rather than forcing your opinion on others, to have the heart of a servant not a princess. And finally love others like there is no tomorrow because he will come when we are not looking and humanities eternal path will be decided. 1 Thessalonians 5:2-4 For you know very well that the day of the Lord will come like a thief in the night.
Monday, October 19, 2009
A problem shared is a problem halved
I woke up with this verse on my hear today . The trouble with sharing and halving a problem with a friend is that you can only off load half of it, you still have to carry it around, and your friend has to carry the rest.
When you share problem with God however you can then completely take the burden out of the situation.
Psalm 37;4 “Delight yourself in the LORD and he will give you the desires of your heart.”
God only wants to bless us and have us live lives that are way beyond our wildest dreams, so why would we not want to turn to him for answers??? he has the best solution to every problem, no other person can give you a better answer.
Don't misunderstand me, I am all girl and nothing I love more that to turn to a friend for conversation and input into a situation, we girls are built for talking...sometimes particularly when we are sharing with a christian sister , her input is exactly what God wants you to hear anyway, It is more the confirmation that we are on the right track that we are needing from our friends.
Don't waste time trying to fix problems that come your way, just go to the master problem solver first, you will transform the day from a burdensome chore to a day of freedom and peace...
John 14; 27
I am leaving you at peace. I am giving you my own peace. I am not giving it to you as the world gives. So don't let your hearts be troubled, and don't be afraid. |
Sunday, October 18, 2009
"It's not the mountain we conquer, but ourselves."
Fear will stop you dead in your tracks every time. weather it is the adrenaline rush fear resulting from a physical scare or fear of venturing into the unknown, or fear from past failures.
My mum would always say "necessity is a wonderful motivator" I think the opposite is true. "fear is an incredible stopper" . Fear can stop you from taking so many right paths and cause you to take that all together wrong path.
we have all heard the saying " feel the fear and do it anyway" , so often this is what we should be doing, particularly in areas of our life that require change.
Fear will stop you moving forward and taking hold of what you need to in order to bring about change. Haggai 2:5 'This is what I covenanted with you when you came out of Egypt. And my Spirit remains among you. Do not fear.
I know about fear first hand. Earlier this year I developed a very debilitating anxiety issue It was effecting every area of my life . I first felt like I was having chest pains then a feeling of someone choking me, it would come in waves, almost like a hot flush, it got so bad that I was having these attacks for the most part of each day. By the time the day was over I was physically exhausted , my body was under attac all day.
I went to a doctor and he was all up from the word go to give me anti depressants, I was adamant that I would not go down that path.
I then went to a natroupath , she thankfully gave me a very logical explanation, which was that my Adrenal gland had been switched on at some point of trauma in my life and it was stuck on. Because I live such a busy go go lifestyle I had never taken the time to stop and properly process times of extreme stress or distress in my life. I was very much a "get on with the Job" type person, and at least let everyone think that you are coping.
Fear of stopping and going back to re visit my past and allowing God to walk through it with me and bring healing had begun to cause me a big problem in getting through my day to day life.
Fear was literally choking me. Fear was living on my shoulder whispering in my ear all day that I was a failure and that was all I was ever going to be, so I should just throw the towel in now and be done. Proverbs 29 : 24 Fear of man will prove to be a snare, but whoever trusts in the LORD is kept safe.
I was listening to a lie nothing but a lie, God was now forcing me to smash through these lies . I had two choices. Choice one was to stay right where I was and be miserable and make everyone who had to be around me miserable also.
Choice two was to take up the challenge and grow, change, evolve. My very wise Pastor pointed out to me that refusing to move forward was going to destroy every area of my life.
The Israelite went round and round for 40 years refusing to listen to God, and the promised land was right there before their very eyes, they were just blinded by fear. Ecclesiastes 7 :18 It is good to grasp the one and not let go of the other. The man who fears God will avoid all extremes .
I took the path of moving forward, not just for myself but for my children, for my relationship with God, for my relationship with My husband, and for my relationship with people.
God could not use me at all while I was a broken leaking vessel, he would try his best to fill me up with his spirit but as fast as he topped me up it would all leak out . I would go to Church and hear a great message and sing uplifting worship songs I would come away feeling great but it was only short lived because my underlying fear of re living the past would always hinder what God wanted for me. So through much prayer, time alone with God, reading, and Gods gracious gentle spirit guiding me I came through the other side.
I encourage you to let go of the past and hang onto God It is the only way....
we had this for dinner last night, yum yum....
you can substitute the fish for chicken or prawns if you like...
finely slice 1 red capsicum, fry in olive oil, add rind of one lemon and 1 tspn green peppercorns
add juice of 3 lemons salt and pepper. reduce liquid by half : add 300 ml cream, reduce by half again. Set aside.
Mix 1/2 cup rice flour, salt, pepper, lemon rind, 1/2 tsp turmeric. : flour fish with this
heat olive oil in pan. Brown fish on both sides :
Serve fish on plate : Put sauce back in pan, add 1 tab freshly chopped herbs of your choice and 1 red chili, seeds removed. Pour sauce over fish.
Serve with oven roasted hand made potato wedges and fresh steamed asparagus.
Thursday, October 15, 2009
woody woodpecker
"In Him we live, and move, and have our being" (Acts 17:28).
God is the source of all our strength and knowledge. Without Him we can do nothing. With Him on our side, we can do everything. Why worry about life when God is there helping you.
May 2002 Colorado USA, I woke to the sound of a wood pecker just outside our cabin window, It was beautiful, crimson head, black back and white chest gracefully hanging on to the side of the tree pecking away. As I lay there in my bed captivated by this magical sight, God spoke to me in an almost audible voice and said "everything I make is beautiful". I agreed with him in my mind and got out of bed and continued on with my day.
I had been feeling unwell since arriving in America and had put it down to jet lag, when that should have worn off I decided it must be altitude sickness as we were up so high in the mountains, however too much time had passed for that to be a plausible scenario any longer.
Because I already had 5 children that required little effort to conceive I decided to take a home pregnancy test, to my absolute surprise It came up with a positive result. i was dumbfounded how could this be , here we were in a new country that we were to live in. I had packed up my home in Australia to live in Nashville for 2 years, what on earth was God thinking!!! Clearly he was out of his mind.
By now I am running around our little cabin shocked, panicked, bewildered, thinking what am I to do and God came to me again and said to me " everything I make is beautiful" .
As most women would do in a frenzied state , I quickly shoved that thought out of my head and began screaming for Mike. He was in the woods playing with the kids, he came running to the sound of my screams to the sight of me standing on the porch waving a pregnancy test like it was a hand grenade through the air.
"what what" Mike said to me looking very startled "look look " I replied while still screaming and waving the small white offending article. " who's is that" was my sharp husbands response.... "who do you think, mine, who else, do you think I got it from a bear in the woods".
At that point I calmed a little and we both sat there on the porch silent for a long moment. Do not be anxious about anything Philippians 4:6
My brain was racing, what will we do, we have no home, no money, no job, a road trip tour with Rebeca St James to do, three other band members and their families with us for the ride, aaahhhh. And why do you worry about clothes? See how the lilies of the field grow. They do not labor or spin. Mathew 6:28
Then again God said "everything I make is beautiful" This time I heard and paid attention, I rememberd the woodpecker that I saw earlier that morning and I could hear God speaking to me gently in a still small voice that I could not hear over my out of control ranting.
So there we were , pregnant again, in one short morning going from devastation to joy and bliss only because I listened to that small voice of God telling me that my little baby was yet another brick in the wall of Gods plan for the Lane family, piece by piece he was creating our family.
Two months later God gave me a little test, I believe, to bring be back in line with his thinking. I was starting to get a little ahead of myself and getting very cranky about the future , well to be honest I was being a down right grump to everyone who would stay around long enough to listen to me. We were playing Sunday baseball with the Smallbone family, I even hit a couple of home runs. When we returned home I began to bleed, never with all of my pregnancies had I had such a thing, Mike took me straight to hospital, I was a mess, crying repenting telling God how sorry I was for thinking that maybe I only wanted 5 kids. I remember crying saying " please please God don't take my baby" God then said again " Everything I make is Beautiful". I knew then that we were home and hosed.. It was all going to be fine . Jeremiah 1:5 "Before I formed you in the womb I knew you, before you were born I set you apart; I appointed you as a prophet to the nations."
Sometimes God throws us curve balls, sometimes it is just life throwing the ball, however no matter who is doing the ball throwing God is always there to walk you through it . You just need to sometimes change direction. Change is always a good thing if you have God with you for the change, he only wants you to grow.
God is the master potter if we only let him . He will mould our lives into far more than we ever dreamed was possible, then only that he can use us effectively is to shape us .
Isaiah 64: 8 Yet, O LORD, you are our Father. We are the clay, you are the potter; we are all the work of your hand.
Romans 9: 21 Does not the potter have the right to make out of the same lump of clay some pottery for noble purposes and some for common use?
Today my precious Meg is 6 years old, I would not give her up for all the Tea in China. She completes our family, her smile, the way she loves people, the way she loves God, her sheer joyfulness, her incredible beauty, and those eyes oh those eyes.
Meg is my little woodpecker..
30 minute dinner
Place 1 onion, 1 garlic , 1 carrot, 1 zucchini, 2 eggs, salt and pepper, fresh herbs , 1 tab rice flour
in a food processor . Chop, add 700g chicken mince fillets.
Remove mix from processor, add 7 slices white bread, make crumbs.
Roll chicken mix in crumbs, fry in shallow olive oil, place in oven for 20 min.
Serve with salad. yum yum!! Kids loved it
It graphically describes how horrible the world had become, Paul speaks of people
walking away from God and worshiping the things that their environment had to offer
25They exchanged the truth of God for a lie, and worshiped and served created things rather than the Creator—who is forever praised. Amen.
Sadly we have learnt very little over the passage of time, we still reject God , some of us do it in small ways some of us in bigger ways, however they are all the same to God, Exchanging truth for a lie is all the same no matter how big or small the lie seems to be.
Lies and wickedness, suppres the truth, We cannot be a foul tempered mother toward our children and at the same time expect them to somehow see the love of Jesus through us. We cannot as mothers tell our children to be joyful and full of the peace of God if we are not that way ourselves. You see our wicked behaviour is suppressing the truth of God that is within us , the truth that God wants us to show the world.
We have no excuse to live a life that is contrary to what God expects of us, we have known the truth since the dawn of time, particularly in our western world, most of us have at least heard of God, however some of us have chosen to reject his truth.
For we christian mothers we have a huge task in raising our children to be not just followers, but lovers of Christ, we do not want our children to be as described here by Paul.
29They have become filled with every kind of wickedness, evil, greed and depravity. They are full of envy, murder, strife, deceit and malice. They are gossips, 30slanderers, God-haters, insolent, arrogant and boastful; they invent ways of doing evil; they disobey their parents; 31they are senseless, faithless, heartless, ruthless. 32Although they know God's righteous decree that those who do such things deserve death, they not only continue to do these very things but also approve of those who practice them.
There is not a mother around who would want this type of child, but if we fail to nurture and sow truth into the tender heart of our children they may end up with some or all of these ungodly traits.
The question needs to be asked then, how do we sow such life and truth into their young hearts, and how do we raise up our children to reject such behaviours and live for God alone. You only have to walk through the average schoolyard to see , envy, deceit, malice, gossips, God haters, boastfulness, disobedience, pride, arrogance. And you will not only find plenty of kids who practice these traits but also plenty of kids who approve of them and egg each other on.
I believe the answer to this question is , as parents it is up to us from the day that our children are born, to instill the life blood of Jesus in them, like a burning hot fire that runs through their veins, that can never be extinguished by this world. It may at times die down to a dull flicker but once that fire is lit it will never go out. God promises us that, Proverbs 22:6 Train a child in the way he should go, and when he is old he will not turn from it.
Satan lives in this world waiting to devour all that he can, put the armour of God firmly on your children . Read scripture to them . Pray with them. Pray over them. Pray over the troubles in their day with them. Sit in church with them. Help them be actively involved in church, not just pew sitters. Dance to worship music with them. Give them a hard act to follow, don't be a ho hum christian yourself and expect to raise up a leader of Nations. And most of all love them unconditionally, show them Jesus through your heart, through your eyes, through your tender touches. Live a life worth following.
Our world is based so much on feelings not on Faith. Teach your children to walk by faith and not by sight. What they see in this world can blind them from God, but faith is brighter that anything that this world and all its darkness has to offer. Faith is the seed planted in their hearts that will grow and grow if it is nurtured.