This is my most favourite photo of Meg just absolute delight in a bed of flowers after walking over 5 km and feeling just exhausted she dropped in this sea of flowers and laughed and laughed , the whining during the long walk was over we were done we had finished.......
In order to get from one place to another there has to be a transition in some shape or form.
Being a mum of six children I know all about transition in the Labour ward at least. There have been many other areas of my life that I have had periods of transition , moving house, replacing cars, kids changing schools, moving overseas, changing jobs , learning new things just to name a few .
The most graphic example of Transition in my life most certainly is in the labour ward giving birth. My goodness that transition part has certainly got to be the most awful part of labour, as if the pain is not bad enough with early contractions; just wait until transition.
In labour transition is the time when the contractions shift their pace up a level in their intensity and frequency in order to force your body to do what is necessary to deliver the baby. You just cant have the baby without the period of transition. That point in all my births is when I become rather irrational in my thinking and if I had the opportunity I would probably kill the closest thing (Mike) to me . The pain at that point is almost unbearable and the only way for me to get through is to dwell on the things of God, it may sound odd but I literally recite over and over in my head , I will be anxious for nothing I will trust in you.... I lay there on my side curled up in a ball with my gas mask firmly squashed on my face with my hand and with every contraction, I say in my head , I Will be anxious for nothing, I will be anxious for nothing, over and over until it is time to push and deliver our precious new child into this world.
So often in our day to day life we face times that we need to push through the transition, put the blinkers on and hold on to Gods hand for dear life and march firmly and boldly forward to deliver what God wants to birth in us.
no one who keeps looking back and dwelling on their past is fit for the kingdom of God. Paul says that we have to forget those things which are now behind us and move and press forward into those things which now lie ahead of us..
God will give us the peace we need in order to push through the transition.
Psalms 107:29 He makes the storm into a calm, so that the waves are at peace. Daniel 10:18 Then again one having the form of a man put his hand on me and gave me strength. And he said to me, O man greatly loved, have no fear: peace be with you, be strong and let your heart be lifted up. And at his words I became strong, and said, Let my lord say on, for you have given me strength. 2 Thessalonians 3:16 Now may the Lord of peace himself give you peace at all times in all ways.
It is both peace and strength that we need in order to walk through transition in our lives, and there is no better place to find such peace than through God, no other thing or person on this planet will be able to give you the peace that only he can, so when you next face transition, I urge you to face it head on , you cannot get to the other side without going through, you cannot go around it, over it, ask someone else to do it for you no I am afraid you must do it all yourself.
so as John 5 : 8 says "Get up! Pick up your mat and walk."
You will be so blessed by the end result if you pick up your mat and walk through the transition .
Don't stay in the place of perceived comfort walk..... It will be better on the other side God promises us.