Sunday, October 18, 2009


Sir Edmund Hillary's words still ring true to those who will never have any desire to climb:
"It's not the mountain we conquer, but ourselves."

Fear will stop you dead in your tracks every time. weather it is the adrenaline rush fear resulting from a physical scare or fear of venturing into the unknown, or fear from past failures.
My mum would always say "necessity is a wonderful motivator" I think the opposite is true. "fear is an incredible stopper" . Fear can stop you from taking so many right paths and cause you to take that all together wrong path.
we have all heard the saying " feel the fear and do it anyway" , so often this is what we should be doing, particularly in areas of our life that require change.
Fear will stop you moving forward and taking hold of what you need to in order to bring about change. Haggai 2:5 'This is what I covenanted with you when you came out of Egypt. And my Spirit remains among you. Do not fear.

I know about fear first hand. Earlier this year I developed a very debilitating anxiety issue It was effecting every area of my life . I first felt like I was having chest pains then a feeling of someone choking me, it would come in waves, almost like a hot flush, it got so bad that I was having these attacks for the most part of each day. By the time the day was over I was physically exhausted , my body was under attac all day.
I went to a doctor and he was all up from the word go to give me anti depressants, I was adamant that I would not go down that path.
I then went to a natroupath , she thankfully gave me a very logical explanation, which was that my Adrenal gland had been switched on at some point of trauma in my life and it was stuck on. Because I live such a busy go go lifestyle I had never taken the time to stop and properly process times of extreme stress or distress in my life. I was very much a "get on with the Job" type person, and at least let everyone think that you are coping.
Fear of stopping and going back to re visit my past and allowing God to walk through it with me and bring healing had begun to cause me a big problem in getting through my day to day life.
Fear was literally choking me. Fear was living on my shoulder whispering in my ear all day that I was a failure and that was all I was ever going to be, so I should just throw the towel in now and be done. Proverbs 29 : 24 Fear of man will prove to be a snare, but whoever trusts in the LORD is kept safe.

I was listening to a lie nothing but a lie, God was now forcing me to smash through these lies . I had two choices. Choice one was to stay right where I was and be miserable and make everyone who had to be around me miserable also.
Choice two was to take up the challenge and grow, change, evolve. My very wise Pastor pointed out to me that refusing to move forward was going to destroy every area of my life.
The Israelite went round and round for 40 years refusing to listen to God, and the promised land was right there before their very eyes, they were just blinded by fear. Ecclesiastes 7 :18 It is good to grasp the one and not let go of the other. The man who fears God will avoid all extremes .

I took the path of moving forward, not just for myself but for my children, for my relationship with God, for my relationship with My husband, and for my relationship with people.
God could not use me at all while I was a broken leaking vessel, he would try his best to fill me up with his spirit but as fast as he topped me up it would all leak out . I would go to Church and hear a great message and sing uplifting worship songs I would come away feeling great but it was only short lived because my underlying fear of re living the past would always hinder what God wanted for me. So through much prayer, time alone with God, reading, and Gods gracious gentle spirit guiding me I came through the other side.

I encourage you to let go of the past and hang onto God It is the only way....

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