Today August 25th 1994 , 16 years ago
I was in my bed at The Anglis hospital holding Our Annie Melinda Lane who was only one hour into her journey through life.
I spent the day prior to this day cleaning my home, playing games with Steph whom was only 3 years old and Liam who was only 14 months old , taking my then 6 year Old Robert to school and home again. I was a busy mum to say the least. Well by 4 pm this day my home was spotless, my children had had all their needs attended to and dinner was cooked for my In Laws who were coming for dinner, we enjoyed a wonderful dinner together and home they went, only to return at midnight because Annie was on her way.........
How precious are the memories when I look back and recount every detail leading up to and the birth of my precious girl. That first look into her eyes I never forget, those precious Sapphire blue eyes flickering open and shut in an attempt to adjust to her new surroundings. Her tiny fingers reaching out for me. The very best of all was the overwhelming sense of joy as she crept and wriggled on top of my belly looking for my breast to suckle on and truly bond with me and know that without a doubt that I would love, care for and nurture her for all her days to come.
To have the privilege of watching Annie grow and mature over this past 16 years , to witness first hand her love for God, her love for her family and friends, her magnificent voice when she sings. The compassion that is stirred within her and her ability to take action when she sees a need. Her strong sense of justice for others are all part of her God given character that was placed in her tiny heart when God first formed her withing my womb. Jeremiah 1:5 "Before I formed you in the womb I knew you, before you were born I set you apart; I appointed you as a prophet to the nations."
Even when Annie was two and they thought she had Cystic fibrosis , God you were there loving her , guiding the surgeons hand and taking care of our worried broken hearts
How blessed Mike and I are as her parents to have had God along side with us every step of the way as Annie journeyed through life . I have read my fair share of parenting books but none come close tho the wisdom and insight that only the Holy spirit can give to you when it comes to raising our children .
Thank You God for the truth and wisdom in your Word , Thank you for trusting us with such a precious gift as Annie to raise in your ways .Proverbs 22 :6 Train up a child in the way he should go ; and when he is old he will never depart from it.
Annie the kingdom of Heaven is yours keep learning, keep loving, and keep looking forward. Mathew 19 :14 Jesus said, "Let the little children come to me, and do not hinder them, for the kingdom of heaven belongs to such as these."
awesome Nell...*tears...let's not forget that what we thought was Cystic Fibrosis was actually Coeliac Disease and the declaration of the doctors was that she would have it all her life...but the Lord healed her one day when hands were laid on her and she declared immediately "I'm cured!" And sure enough, she has been completely healed..the next day she was eating cakes and sandwiches and praising God.
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ReplyDeleteHappy Birthday Janelle. Thanks for sharing your story and your Annie. We are truly blessed by the both of you.