How many of us remember our favourite snuggle thing when we were little, you know, that blanket that you carried until the final shred was too small to recognise what it started its life out as, or the teddy that now has been reduced to just a ear.
My little Meg has a patchwork blanket that I made for her when she was born and she still sleeps with the last remaining shred, when we traveled with her as a baby all we had to do was put this rug on the floor of an airport and lay her on it and she would drift off to sleep, it quickly became a prized item that would have had devastating results if it was ever lost, it actually held more value in our last minute bag checks than the passports.
I was thinking last night about how often do we hang on to something in our lives just like the blanket, we clutch it close to our heart at night when we go to bed, we hold it firmly in our hands when we are feeling sorry for ourselves. We keep it as a trophy, a reminder of our past, our hurts, our failures . We hang on to our treasure for dear life in fear of letting go.
We often use it as an excuse to not move forward or to break free of the things that bind us and keep us from the journey God intends for us.
In my case here I am in bed post operation and post severe anxiety that I have lived with for 3 years. I have many symptoms that have not returned since my operation and I am beginning to feel better physically and healing physically. But what about mentally, there is a choice there, I could chose to remain in the place I have been for 3 years, constantly behind the 8 ball with panic attacks, heart palpitations, exhaustion, psoriasis , or I can allow God the best surgeon of them all to heal me inside as well and mould me into the thriving warrior woman completely aligned to him and his purposes.
How easy would it be for me to hang onto my last shred of my blanket that has served me well, kept me protected, given me an excuse to not fully participate, allowed me to use it a crutch at times.
Is it scary to let go and move forward , yes most certainly, but will you experience freedom beyond your wildest dreams when you do let go. yes most certainly.
I know most of us, especially we over thinking women have shreds of security blanket that we are still holding onto, but it is time to let go of this false security and hang onto the only thing that will last GOD.
Ephesians 1:18 I pray that your hearts will be flooded with light so that you can understand the confident hope he has given to those he called his holy people who are his rich and glorious inheritance.
There is a new treasure out there to be had. Our Lord is faithful. we can become consistant and free. He loves because he is love. He sees the treasure in me because he put it there. Jesus is in me and I am in him.
We are known in Heaven, Our identity as God sees it, gives us an authority over any opposition. We need to rise up from our infirmities and no longer allow ourselves to be shaped by our past.
Acts 26:18 to open their eyes so that they may turn from darkness to light and from the dominion of Satan to God, that they may receive forgiveness of sins and an inheritance among those who have been sanctified by faith in Me.'
Life in the spirit is simply just letting go of a life that no longer works.
You're awesome Nell.