C.S. Lewis said ; “God whispers to us in our pleasures, speaks to us in our conscience, but shouts in our pains: It is His megaphone to rouse a deaf world”
Fifteen years ago I went to Koorong book store to buy a new bible, after over an hour of searching for just the right one for me from the amazing array of choice I gave up in frustration and decided to leave feeling rather dissatisfied .
As I turned to walk away a hard cover bible fell from the top shelf hitting me on the head and almost knocked me out. Clearly the obvious choice to me was I had to buy this one, if only for a funny story to tell.
I still have that bible and in the front cover where there is provision to fill in "who presented you with this bible " I have written "God, because he dropped it on my head."
Today I found myself back at the same store to purchase a bible for Lucy, I was not in a particularly good frame of mind as I had a cold and a thumper of a headache. I stood for 20 minutes looking at all the choices and found the one that was the perfect choice that Lucy would love , It was however in hardback and cost $40.00 which was twice the amount of money I had to spend so I decided to leave and have a look online and see if I could find something suitable, as I turned to walk away I was startled by a loud thump as a bible came crashing to the floor directly behind me. Now being the tidy person I am I picked it up without looking and placed it back on the shelf and again began to leave.
Tap tap .... I felt the Holy spirit tap me on my shoulder "Do you remember the last book that fell to the floor in this store ? "he said .... How blonde am I !!!! Yes I do I said to myself with a grin on my face and looking around at the same time to see if someone else dropped the book.
I picked the book up from the shelf and realized that I was holding a paper back copy of the bible that was perfect for Lucy but was out of my budget and this one was $20.00 exactly the amount that I had in my hand. I actually laughed out loud... two times... same store,,, two perfect bibles .... what are the odds ??? No there are no odds, just God getting my attention.
Isaiah 42:20 You see many things, but do not pay attention. Your ears are open, but not any hears.
Zechariah 7:11"But people refused to pay attention. They shrugged their shoulders at me and shut their ears so that they couldn't hear.
My heart is feeling so warm right now. I just gave Lucy her Bible and she is well pleased , she has taken off into her room to begin reading :) makes a mamma very happy indeed
ReplyDeleteThat is awesome Janelle! God is so faithful..Love Sarah